Are you interested in joining the team at Turning Point Church? You can find a list of our available staff positions and internship opportunities below.
Small groups will meet at various times during the week and in various locations. You can either join an existing group or sign up to start a group yourself. Groups may be organized by life stage, gender, or open to anyone. As groups are added this fall, they will be added to the list of available small groups below. If you have any questions, please let us know at .
The Gathering is a midweek opportunity for people to connect with one another and go deeper in their faith in Jesus Christ. We believe this is a great way to “kick the tires” a bit when it comes to Biblical community and a great step towards more meaningful relationships.
In this season, we will be gathering at our church location for a meal together and then breaking down into smaller and medium-sized groups to study a life topic connected to God’s Word. Child care, rather than full-out kids ministry, is also available during The Gathering.
Please take a look at this season’s options and sign up for ONE group. In addition, we are asking you to sign up for what weeks you anticipate participating so we can better plan for meals and for childcare.
We are currently accepting applications for those who would like to intern at Turning Point Church. We have internships available with multiple different ministries. Please contact us for more information using this form.
Small groups will meet at various times during the week and in various locations. You can either join an existing group or sign up to start a group yourself. Groups may be organized by life stage, gender, or open to anyone. As groups are added this fall, they will be added to the list of available small groups below. If you have any questions, please let us know at .